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CSA Veggie Box
Enrollment now opent!

Please email if you are interested in becoming a farm share member this season!

What is Community Supported Agriculture?

In its simplest terms a CSA represents a direct connection between producer and consumer. We work hard to grow the best chemical-free produce possible, and we want to bring that food to your plate. Our CSA program is a subscription based service, wherein the consumer becomes a shareholder in our farm. Each week we will put together a produce box of our freshest seasonal produce and arrange a pickup schedule that suits our members. 


We aim to supply 6-8 vegetables harvested fresh from the garden each week. If the harvest is particularly bountiful, that bounty will be shared. Likewise, should the harvest be lacking due to pest pressure or an extreme weather event, that loss will also be shared. This is the essence of the CSA. It is a partnership between local farmers and the community they serve.


A Taproots CSA share supplies our members 6-8 seasonally fresh vegetables per week, providing your family with fresh, local, and chemical-free produce you can feel good about putting on your plate. Each week we strive to provide a variety of vegetables that are versatile in the kitchen. In each veggie box you will have the opportunity to taste the superior quality and unparalleled freshness that can only be found in produce freshly harvested and grown the right way by growers who truly care. Food is our passion and we would love the opportunity to share it with you. 

Pickup Hours and Locations

CSA shares will be harvested Wednesday and be made available for pickup during the following times: ​

  1. Taproots Green Gardens (1963 Michigan Line) Thursday & Friday from 12-7pm

  2. Brights Grove Summer Market, Wednesday's from 4-8pm.

  3. Eco-friendly delivery service offered for Sarnia, Brights Grove, Camlachie, Petrolia, Wyoming, & Corunna 


Securing Your Spot & Payment Options

The total cost of membership is $500 for the season. We ask that a $100 deposit be made in order to secure your spot in the program and that the outstanding balance be paid in full by June 1st, 2024. E-transfers are preferred and can easily be made online through any banking institution and sent to Please include your full name and e-mail address. Cheques will be accepted via mail. Please contact us for more details.

Planned Produce for 2024 Season


  • Taproots Salad Mix

  • Seasonal Spicy Mix

  • Spinach

  • Arugula

  • Head Lettuce

  • Romaine

  • Kale

  • Swiss Chard

Root Vegetables

Summer Favourites


  • Beets

  • Radishes

  • Salad Turnips

  • Carrots

  • Green Onion

  • Cooking Onions

  • Potatoes

  • Garlic

  • Cherry Tomatoes

  • Beefsteak Tomatoes

  • Cucumbers

  • Zucchini

  • Summer Squash

  • Eggplant

  • Hot Peppers

  • Bell Peppers

  • Pea Shoots

  • Radish Shoots

  • Sunflower Shoots

  • Small Batch Trials

Becoming a CSA member extends well beyond a box of vegetables. It is an investment in a set of ideals. By purchasing a CSA share you will:

  • Know your farmers, where your food comes from, and how it's grown

  • Connect with our farm and have access to on-farm tours

  • Support a sustainable food system and the local economy

  • Promote an alternative agricultural paradigm that is regenerative rather than destructive

  • Get an additional 20% off any additional produce purchased online or at farmers market

  • Get access to exclusive "add-on" options with our partner farms including: farm fresh eggs, fresh cut flowers, and gourmet mushrooms

Nice to see local organic produce being

And of course, you will get food. Good food. Grown the right way, by people who are passionate about it. On a human scale that does not rely on industrial mechanization or chemical inputs to increase yields. By practicing a naturalist approach to gardening, we are taking a stand against Big Ag and the status quo food economy. If our David is to take on this Goliath and succeed, it will be because of the support of our community and the passionate people who share our values. Each dollar spent is a ballot cast towards the world you want to live in. A conscious consumer base can energize a community, start a movement, and effect widespread change. Taproots Green Gardens is committed to being part of that change. If you believe in our vision for a better food future, we invite you to become part of our Taproots family and join us together in Growing Something Good!

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